Friday, May 31, 2013

Skin Diseases That Cause Burning Feet Syndrome

Pain and burning sensation on the feet is a very distressing condition caused by a variety of skin and systemic diseases.

Nerve damage caused by certain disease conditions or direct injury due to trauma is the most common cause of burning feet syndrome. Common skin conditions that cause pain and burning of the feet include contact allergies, fungal or candidal infections, plantar pustulosis, pompholyx and pitted keratolysis.
Common Skin Conditions Causing Burning Feet Syndrome
Burning sensation is caused by irritation or damage to nerve endings within the skin. This may be one of the presenting symptoms of a number of skin conditions affecting the feet.
  1. Allergic and Irritant Contact Dermatitis. Detergents and chemicals used in toilets usually cause irritation and inflammation of the feet. The red, itchy eruptions appear following contact with chemicals and may be preceded or accompanied by severe burning sensations on the soles and back of the feet. These types of contact dermatitis are quite common amongst factory and agricultural workers.
  2. Tinea Pedis or Candidal Infection. Fungal and yeast infections of the feet is usually accompanied by maceration, scales, itching and burning sensations of the feet. Treatment involves avoidance of frequent wetting, excessive sweating and treatment with topical and systemic anti-fungal agents.
  3. Pitted Keratolysis. Sweaty and clammy feet in persons using tight fitting and occlusive footwear for a long period of time can result in punched out pits on the soles. These are caused by coryneform bacteria which produce certain proteolytic enzymes that digest the tough keratin layer of the skin of the soles. Burning and itching are prominent symptoms in these patients. Management includes topical and systemic antibiotics and avoidance of occlusive footwear.
  4. Pompholyx. This is a type of dyshidrotic eczema that causes deep seated, clear, fluid filled blisters beneath the skin of the hands and feet, usually along the sides of the fingers and toes. Pompholyx can appear following a hypersensitivity reaction to a variety of infectious agents and contactants and even following stressful conditions. Pain, itching and a burning sensation are the main symptoms of this condition. Treatment of the primary cause usually results in clearance of the pompholyx vesicles.
  5. Plantar Pustulosis. Psoriasis of the palms and soles can present as deep seated, white, pustular (sterile) eruptions on the palms and soles. These can be intensely itchy and cause painful fissures on the feet. A burning sensation of the feet is a distressing symptom in many patients. Treatment of palmoplantar pusutlosis involves topical and systemic psoriasis medications.
Treatment of Burning Feet Syndrome Caused by Skin Diseases
Treatment of burning feet syndrome involves the treatment of the underlying cause. Topical treatment aims at keeping the feet cool with moisturizing creams containing aloe vera, menthol or phenol. Wearing soft rubber sandals and avoiding abrasive detergents are helpful. Diabetes should always be kept under control. Vitamin B12 and folic acid supplements help in reducing the progression of neurological damage, if present.
If there are no signs of any underlying skin condition, a neurological referral should be sought for to diagnose systemic diseases causing the burning feet syndrome.
The information given in this article is for educational purposes only so that patients are aware of the options available. No diagnosis should be made or treatment undertaken without first consulting your doctor. If you do so, the author or Suite101 will not be responsible for any consequences. The images provided are for illustration purpose only.

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