Thursday, May 30, 2013

Treating Urinary Tract Infections

UTIs are a common and painful problem for many women. Learn how to manage an episode using baking soda, and how to prevent future infections.
Half of all women experience a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) at least once in their life time. Cystitis, or Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is an infection or inflammation of the bladder. Cystitis symptoms are usually a feeling of needing to urinate urgently, but there is very little water to pass, abdominal discomfort and pain or burning sensation when urinating, and sometimes afterwards.
Although it feels like the best thing is to avoid urinating, in fact relief will be felt when the urine is diluted and the bladder is flushed out. It is essential to drink plenty of water during an episode and to empty your bladder frequently.
When You Feel a UTI Starting:
  • Immediately drink half a litre of plain water.
  • Remove any tight clothing. Make a hot water bottle for your abdomen and lie down.
  • Half an hour later, stir one teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) into your next half litre of water. Drinking this will neutralise the urine and make it less painful to urinate.
  • One hour later, mix another teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda into ¼ of a litre of water. After this have a hot cup of herb tea, preferably chamomile.
  • Two hours later do the same again. If you feel like having a warm bath, you can add two or three drops of lavender oil which will soothe as well as helping you relax.
Three hours from the first sign of cystitis, you should be feeling some relief. If you are still in a lot of pain, or if there is bleeding, call your doctor.
To Prevent Cystitis Happening Again:
  • Always wear cotton underwear. Nylon and other synthetics retain body heat and the bacteria that causes cystitis flourishes in dark damp conditions.
  • Never use bubble bath or perfumed soaps that could irritate the delicate skin around the urethra (the tube leading to the bladder).
  • Don’t use other people’s towels which could introduce bacteria.
  • Always use white or unbleached toilet paper and wipe from the front to the back.
  • Never have sex when you have a full bladder. After urinating, drink a glass of water.
  • Urinate within 15 minutes after having sex to flush away any possible infection, and then wash yourself , with cool water.
  • Make sure you drink enough plain water each day and more in hot weather. Many women have found that also drinking half a cup of unsweetened cranberry juice each day prevents further attacks.
Sometimes cystitis can be a symptom of something else, such as Chlamydia, Herpes, Urethritis, or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. If you have a fever or feel very unwell, contact your doctor.

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